A Standout Spectrometer with Industry-Leading Performance and Ultimate Sensitivity

Perfect for Low-Light-Level Applications

Cooled CCD Detector for Ultimate Sensitivity

Wide Dynamic Range with 18-bit A/D Converter

Battery Pack for Field Applications - Optional

LightScan Software Included

Achieve the Ultimate Sensitivity

Ultimate sensitivity is easily achieved with SENSE, the perfect spectrometer for those who require the best spectral performance for the most demanding low-light-level applications such as the detection of fluorescence and phosphorescence emissions. Because SENSE is equipped with a thermoelectrically (TE) cooled back-thinned CCD detector, it offers a very high signal-to-noise ratio performance, a high dynamic range, low dark counts, and enables low-light-level detection with low noise when used for long integration times.


Industry-Leading Spectrometer

Features such as a power status indicator, 18-bit A/D converter and battery pack turn SENSE into an industry-leading spectrometer capable of delivering incredible flexibility and performance to your spectroscopic setup. SENSE is available in a ready-to-use (for more common applications) and user-customized (for more specific applications) where the user can select in the factory different components that can result, for example, in narrower operation ranges or different optical resolutions.


Key Features

Setup Examples


  • LS-LED is a compact and reliable LED light source that provides a stable and high-power spectral output for fluorescence measurements and other applications requiring narrowband illumination.

    Learn more

  • Patch cords are fused silica-core fibers optimized for transporting light in a defined wavelength range.

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  • The multi-purpose cuvette holder is a versatile cuvette holder that provides accurate and highly sensitive absorbance, transmittance, and fluorescence measurements.

    Learn more


The SENSE Spectrometer

Available in a pre-configured version, for narrow-range UV-Vis and Vis-NIR, and extended-range UV-Vis-NIR applications.

The specifications of each version of the pre-configured SENSE are given in the following table.


Technical Information ↓

Description UV-Vis-NIR UV-Vis Vis-NIR
Operational Range 200 - 1050 nm 185 - 900 nm 360 - 1100 nm
Slit Size 25 μm (interchangeable)
Grating G-UV-Vis-NIR G-UV-Vis G-Vis-NIR
Collecting Lens Included
Detector 2048 x 122 elements Back Thinned TE Cooled CCD from Hamamatsu (Quantum Efficiency of 90% at peak)
Optical Resolution 1.7 nm
(25 μm slit)
1.4 nm
(25 μm slit)
1.4 nm
(25 μm slit)
Fiber Connector SMA 905
Integration Time 9 miliseconds
Interface Mini-USB
Software LightScan 2.0 (Included)
Dimensions 192 mm (L) 137 mm (D) x 75 mm (H)
Weight 1.5 Kg

Typical Applications ↓

SENSE is a standout spectrometer with great performance and an incredible sensitivity that meets your demands for low-light-level applications. The versatility implied by the user-interchangeable slits and optical filters features and the 18-bit A/D converter allows you to easily configure SENSE optical properties and work with a high dynamic range.

The high signal-to-noise ratio allied to TE-cooled back-thinned CCD detector makes this spectrometer the perfect solution for demanding quality control measurements, which can be susceptible to environmental and temperature changes, or low-emissive measurements, which require great stability performance when using long integration times. Find out more about the flexibility of our measurements setup using the SENSE in our Application Notes Database.

Application Notes

Ordering Information ↓

Description Part-Number
Spectrometer SENSE UV/Vis/NIR SENSE-UV-Vis-NIR
Spectrometer SENSE UV/Vis SENSE-UV-Vis
Spectrometer SENSE Vis/NIR SENSE-Vis-NIR
Battery Pack for SENSE Spectrometers (optional) SENSE-BAT

User-Configured Spectrometers ↓

SENSE offers maximum flexibility with a build-your-own configuration. By selecting each component of the optical bench, which includes the entrance slit, optical filter, diffraction grating and collecting lens, you can optimize your SENSE for parameters such as operational spectral range, optical resolution, and sensitivity and ideally meet your application demands.

Check our knowledge database or contact the Sarspec Engineers for getting more information about the SENSE user-customizable configuration.

Download the catalog

Interested in the SENSE Spectrometer? Download our catalog to get all the summarized information on it.


Contact us

Fill out the form to request a quote or present any questions you may have about our SENSE.

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