About our Spectrometers
Spectrometers are light detection devices that separate a light beam into its constituent wavelengths allowing an individual response per wavelength (or wavelength fraction) providing an output under the form of a spectrum (intensity vs. wavelength). This scientific device can be configured to measure the different forms of interaction (absorption, transmission, reflection, and emission) between radiation in the optical region of the electromagnetic spectrum and the sample under study.
To perform these measurements with great reliability and accuracy, Sarspec offers a wide range of compact, flexible, and high-quality optical spectrometers for general-purpose, high-sensitivity, and high-resolution applications, ranging from deep UV to near IR spectral regions.
General Purpose
A compact and robust spectrometer where the small size and portability are combined with a great performance to offer the best flexibility to your spectroscopic setup. It features interchangeable slits, standard SMA fiber connector and integrated shutter is available in both STD and RES versions.
FLEX + spectrometer uses the same optical bench as the FLEX model but with a 1 mm height pixel elements back-thinned CCD sensor for high quantum efficiency and greater sensitivity over the entire UV-Vis-NIR and fast acquisition (up to 2587 Spectra per Second).
The perfect spectrometer for those who require the ultimate sensitivity. The thermoelectrically cooled detector improves the low noise and low dark signal, which provides a low light-level detection for long integration times. An ideal solution measuring the fluorescence of low emissive samples.
Extreme Resolution
An extreme resolution light-detecting device that is capable of resolving close spectral features with a good dynamic range and sensitivity.
A high-performance fiber optic spectrometer for measurements in the near-infrared. Ranging from 850 to 2450 nm, the ProNIR is the perfect option for absorbance, transmittance, and reflectance measurements.