Pre-Configured Solutions

Pre-Configured Solutions

About our Pre-Configured Solutions


One of the main advantages of spectroscopic modular systems is the ability to select each component and create a spectroscopic setup that best suits your needs. However, when a specific configuration is required, preconfigured systems are the best solution.

Sarspec offers preconfigured packages specifically configured for absorbance and transmittance, reflectance, and fluorescence measurements that include light sources, spectrometers, accessories, optical fibers, and software. Thanks to the flexibility of our systems, each element of the package can always be used to create a different setup later.


Absorbance FLEX Pack

Application-ready package with all the components required for delivering the best performance for cuvette-, flow-, and probe-based absorbance and transmittance measurements over wavelengths ranging, from 185 nm to 2400 nm.


Absorbance FLEX Pack CUV

Application-ready package with LS-DW or LS-W light sources, standard cuvette holder, two fiber optic patch cords, and a FLEX spectrometer for cuvette-based absorbance and transmittance measurements, from 185 nm to 2500 nm.

Absorbance FLEX Pack FLOW

Application-ready package with DWHP or LS-W light sources, absorbance flow cell, two fiber optic patch cords, and a FLEX spectrometer for liquid flow absorbance and transmittance measurements, from 185 nm to 2500 nm.

Absorbance FLEX Pack PROBE

Application-ready package with a LS-DW or LS-W light sources, transmittance probe, and a FLEX spectrometer for probe-based absorbance and transmittance measurements in liquids, from 185 nm to 2500 nm.

Reflectance FLEX Pack PROBE

Application-ready package with LS-DWHP or LS-W light sources, reflectance probe, standard probe holder, and FLEX or ProNIR spectrometers for probe-based reflectance measurements, from 180 nm to 2500 nm (configuration dependent).


All the components required for reflectance measurements of solids, films, powders, and microscope slides are provided, with an optional slide kit available to ensure optimal repeatability and performance.


Fluorescence FLEX Pack

Application-ready package with all the components required for delivering the best performance and sensitivity needed for cuvette and flow-based fluorescence.


Fluorescence FLEX Pack CUV

Application-ready package with a LED light source , multi-purpose cuvette holder, two patch cords, and FLEX spectrometer configured for fluorescence measurements.

Fluorescence FLEX Pack FLOW

Application-ready package with a LED light source, fluorescence flow cell, two patch cords, and FLEX spectrometer for liquid flow fluorescence measurements.