Standard Probe Holder

Probe Holder

An important tool for reflectance measurements

Built for diffuse and specular measurements

Three angles available: 30, 45, and 90 degrees

Improve the precision and flexibility with the new slide system;

Robust and user friendly

The standard probe holder is a robust and simple-to-use mechanical tool made with black anodized aluminum for securing the probe tip with a fixed distance when measuring the reflectance spectra and color of flat and slightly curved surfaces.

With Sarspec’s standard probe holder, users can set the 6.35 mm diameter probe tip at 30 or 45 degrees for diffuse reflectance and 90 degrees (normal to the sample surface) for specular reflectance measurements. 


Everything you need

Plastic screws (and the key to tighten them) are included in each angle to secure the probe tip and ensure a fixed distance between the probe tip and the sample surface. The precision of the standard probe holder can be significantly improved by combining it with Sarspec’s new slide system.



Slide System

Enhancing the precision of the Standard Probe Holder


The slide system is a remarkable tool designed to provide a fast and simple way of changing between different samples without the need to touch or move the probe and holder (this system is important to ensure a stability in the fiber optic probe and fixed distance during reflectance measurements). To increase the flexibility of the slide system, Sarspec has developed a wide range of slide supports that can also be used in connection with the slide system of our Multi-Angle Probe Holder and Integrating Sphere.

The slide supports can be used for powders, fabrics, films/solids, and solutions. Sarspec has also slide supports with built-in references (for diffuse and specular measurements) and for microscope slides (25 mm x 75 mm).


Reflectance Set-up with Standard Probe Holder and Slide System

  • LS-W is a compact, reliable, and powerful tungsten-halogen light source that meets the demands of most spectroscopic applications covering the visible and near-infrared regions.

    Learn more >

  • Reflectance probes are used to obtain spectral information from reflectance (and even fluorescence) measurements of surfaces and powders.

    Learn more >

  • A powerful and flexible spectrometer that fits in the palm of your hand.

    Learn more >


About the

Standard Probe Holder


Technical Information

Support Material Angles Probe Diameter
Black Anodized Aluminum 30, 45, and 90 degrees 6.35 mm
Probe Holder Dimensions Slides Holder Dimensions Slides Dimensions
76 x 32 x 32 mm 105 x 50 x 17 mm 100 x 35 x 7.5 mm
Available Slides
Diffuse and Specular Standards, Powders, Microscope Slides, and Films/Solids

More information

Ordering Information ↓

Part-Number Description
SPH Standard Probe Holder for 6.25 mm tips with 30, 45, and 90 degrees
SLD-SPH-SH Slide Reflectance Sample Holder for SPH
SLD-SF Slide Sample Holder for Solids/Films
SLD-PW Slide Sample Holder for Powders
SLD-MS Slide Sample Holder for Microscope Slides
SLD-MS Slide Sample Holder for Microscope Slides
SLD-DRSTD98 Slide Diffuse Reflectance Standard 98% Reflection
SLD-DRSTD50 Slide Diffuse Reflectance Standard 50% Reflection
SLD-DRSTD100 Slide Diffuse Reflectance Standard 10% Reflection
SLD-SPSTD Slide Specular Reflectance Standard
SPH-KIT Standard Probe Holder Slide Kit. Includes the SPH, SLD-SPH-SH, SLD-SF, SLD-PW, SLD-MS, SLD-DRSTD98, and SLD-SPRSTD

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